If only we followed the hearts from our childhood...
Life, in the 21st century struggling society is becoming more
feigned day by day. This busy world is making us forget or is completely
denying us of enjoying the true essence of our beautiful lives. The struggles,
storms, envy and consistent failures shape our souls in a completely different
dimension. This is where we pick up the broken pieces in a dark world. But hey
guess what, you can struggle and face the most fucked up storms in your life
without blending your inner soul and energy in the dark room. Honestly, life
will never be a smooth walk on a rainbow. But that does not mean we accept the
struggles and failures and define ourselves under this label. Nobody wants to
attract bad attention and yet here we are, "quoted" as the most
fucked up generation ever. My point here is;
Stop trying to impress and fit in places you don't belong.
Stop challenging your struggles and envying other people who won't even matter
in two years’ time and most importantly stop fearing your own failures. Failing
is a good thing, because then you'll discover your true ability and strength to
achieve better. I believe that everything in this world came from pure creation
then why waste it? I know that it's not easy to start over or constantly
struggling to attain something for a long time. Those feelings of despair
crawling up into our skin are definitely not easy nor pretty. That stomach ache
we sleep and wake up with is very disturbing and annoying. But be brave enough
to just LIVE and BREATHE. Embrace the thorns and the tempest. . It's just life, our only life and it is our
duty to live it beautifully: A beautifully flawed life!
Just be yourself and follow the "tiny you's" heart. Be that little kid again, who didn't give a damn about failures and the sanctimonious society but who was only fascinated by butterflies and the rain. Believe in yourself and your flaws and accept other human beings as they are. Be a little happy monkey if you want but just be YOU. Put confidence in that inner child inside you, don't let it go. Believe me, it's very precious and so worth it! Always be wonder-struck about the little things because they make us and our loved ones. In the end, you'll just be a happy little bouncing monkey in the transparent society.
“Love is a big and wonderful idea, but life is made up of small things. As a kid, you have nothing to do with the way the world is run; you just have to hurry to catch up with it.”
-Heather O'Neill, Lullabies for Little Criminals
🥰 so pretty