"Butterflies and rom-com you say?" Read the first line of Jai's "letter". A love poem you asked, but can i invite you to peep into my mind instead? You are the one who collects our little things, and me, well, mixed thoughts in a pot. That one fine day, when you kept blaberring about your obsession of Rachel and Ross, I found myself in a suffocating box. Our interests do not match. And symmetrical hearts, you say? And it still amazes me, how you went home with a little piece of my heart that day. All I know is that I met light, when your little fingers touched mine. Maybe this is, how the authors define love in your books. Red roses, you ask? Can I offer you my playlist instead? Or can I play you something with my chords, while reminiscing about your scent? You dream of having pancakes with me, on a Sunday morning, but I prefer us, to be on the rooftop at 5am. And maybe I'll just kiss you under the flawless transition of the sky from dark to lilac. Wake u...
A little musing diary.